Sometimes called the Fairbird, preproduction prototype 55 Ford Thunderbirds wore Fairlane trim. No records were ever kept of how many were made with the Fairlane trim but it is reported the number was between two and 6 with at least one more done for a Ford Executive. Advertising, sales materials and even glove box materials were all finalized and prepared for production.
Your Fairbird kit is a faithful reproduction of what almost was. It includes a set of two piece Firestone type whitewall tires, clear and translucent red lenses, a vacuum cast windshield, and everything else you need to finish this great model except for the axles, shift lever and paint of your choice...and of course your skill at assembly and painting. Cleaning instructions are included and remember that you will have to do some minor sanding and fitting to complete this kit. Previous experience with resin kit assembly is helpful, but not necessary.
$59.95 plus $8.50 for Insured and Tracked Priority Mail to anywhere in the continental U.S. If you'd like one, cash, check or money order will do, or if you wish, you can use PayPal.
You can use Alclad, for a really great chrome-like finish on the bright-work components of the kit, send them out for plating, or fight with BMF to do the job. Personally, I'd go with the Alclad finish. It's available in spray cans or for use in an air brush.
As a "Freebie," your kit also includes enough of our new window glazing material to do several models... That's it shown below on one of our 1957 Chevrolet Sport Sedans. This one was built and detailed by Bob's Curbside 66. More photos and details are available at The Resin Realm.
...and some of our new "Chrome Trim" mylar stock for making interior and exterior trim pieces. It's real chrome plate, only a few thousandths thick, and is great for mirrors, dash, headliner and door trim, p/u bed strips and'll probably find a gazillion other uses for it. Unlike BMF it's chrome on both sides and has no adhesive coating. It's also not as flexible as BMF, but then again, it's not as fragile either. The last two pix tell the story.